Lucyd - future eyewear technology advantages, and create an organic ecosystem for growth
Lucyd is launching a sale of the LCD token to bring you the glasses of the future, and create an organic ecosystem for their growth. The goals of the token sale are to collect the funding needed to develop a pre-production prototype of Lucyd Lens, as well as to create the Lucyd Lab blockchain.
Lucyd Lab will drive 3rd party native app development and user engagement with LCD, which can be used to purchase AR products from Lucyd.
The mind is hungry for visual information. “More than 50% of the cortex, the surface of the brain, is devoted to processing visual information,” according to Professor David Williams at the University of Rochester.1 Lucyd is poised to satisfy this need, and usher in a new era of visual exploration with Lucyd Lens. We believe the knowledgeable team, revolutionary technology, and innovative blockchain behind Lucyd all contribute to its potential for success.
Lucyd is offering a new token named LCD, which is an opportunity to help develop and experience the next big thing in AR. This is possible because Lucyd has 13 synergistic patents and a team of optics and AR experts which enable the manufacture of Lucyd Lens, a pair of lightweight AR smartglasses. With its powerful IP, Lucyd Lens is in a strong position to become the standard in wearable displays.
- Acquiring LCD
To accelerate organic adoption and development of Lucyd Lens, we created the Lucyd Lab AR blockchain. When a 3rd party developer submits new Lucydoptimized content to the App Store/Google Play, they also register it with Lucyd. This creates a new block for that app, which then releases LCD to the developer based on the community impact of the app. This is an additional bonus atop traditional app revenue. Peer reviewers of Lucyd content are also rewarded LCD.
- Spending LCD
LCD tokens may be used to purchase Lucyd hardware and native content when available. LCD will also function in Lucyd promotions. For example, the first 500 units of Lucyd Lens will be reserved for purchase via LCD only, so owning LCD gives you an opportunity to be among the first to wear them. Although actual production costs may vary, Lucyd estimates 5,000 LCD will be able to be exchanged for one basic pair of Lucyd Lens. LCD can also be sold to token exchanges for other tokens and fungible currencies. Lucyd plans to design developer tools, productivity and entertainment apps made natively for its smartglasses, available on App Store/Google Play. Such apps would be eligible for purchase via the LCD token. Our goal with Lucyd Lab is primarily to drive 3rd party native app development and user engagement with an automated reward system.
1. Projected Features
Lucyd owns the exclusive license to 13 important patents that we believe solve many of the issues currently troubling the AR space. Some notable features:
- A flush, unibody design provides a discreet, customizable look. Existing AR devices are notorious for drawing unwanted attention.
- All circuitry is contained within the stems, so it looks and feels just like a normal pair of glasses.
- Can be outfitted with prescription lenses.
- Lens-integrated, stereoscopic LCD microdisplays with a long battery life and ergonomic feel.
- Bluetooth connection to iPhone/Android to experience your favorite apps in AR.
- Integrated microphone and bone-conducting speakers for easy calling and voice control.
- Can be connected to Bluetooth peripherals such as speakers and keyboards.
- Integrated front camera for photo/video capture.
- Navigate handsfree with custom controls among eye tracking, voice control, and finger tracking input options.
- High resolution, with an extraordinary 120° display arc for AR graphics. See below for a simulation of Lucyd Lens 1.0
2. Patent Portfolio
3. Lucyd Firsts
We believe the technology behind Lucyd is groundbreaking, and there are a number of innovations pioneered by the device:
- First to miniaturize the optics for compact, lightweight projection in a head-mounted display (HMD).
- First full integration of eye tracking in HMDs.
- First integration of occlusion support in HMDs. (Reduces overlapping of natural and virtual objects)
- First freeform surfaces for off-axis design in HMDs.
- First integration of high-resolution microdisplays with retro-reflective surfaces.
- First HMD with high spatial resolution.
- First wide-scope view in HMDs with up to a 120° field of vision.
- First optimized field of view for small, eyeglassformat display
4. Potential Use Cases
As an entirely new interactive display, the potential for Lucyd is limitless. It should look and feel totally natural, seamlessly integrating computer enhancement with our perception of the world. However, we think it is prudent to develop it with the most common smartphone-like use cases in mind. Here are some examples of how we think Lucyd can help you get the most out of life:
1. Funding Allocation Breakdown
- Lucyd Lens Prototype
This portion of the token sale proceeds will go to hiring our advisors and a leading industrial design company to assemble the hardware for the Lucyd prototype. It also includes the software development expenses associated with building a basic user interface for Lucyd, a small suite of native apps, and translating existing mobile apps for use with the platform. Estimated cost: $4.5m.
- Business Development
This budget item will focus on both in-house and thirdparty sales, branding, promotional work, growth hacking, public relations and affiliate program partnerships. These proceeds will also be used for marketing and maintaining Lucyd products and the Lucyd Lab AR ecosystem. Estimated cost: $4m.
- Administration
This budget will entail accounting, project management and other professional services fees. Information security and other administration costs will also be covered by this portion. Estimated cost: $1m.
- Legal
We will designate approximately 5% of token sale proceeds to help ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and requisite contract work. It will also be put towards anticipated ongoing legal expenses. Estimated cost: $500k.
2. Audit & Compliance
Every six months following the token issue date, we will provide a semi-annual, third party-reviewed
report to token holders that will summarize the performance of Lucyd. This report will be prepared by the Lucyd management team, reviewed by Lucyd’s independent auditors and published to
3. Lucyd Independent Auditors
Mr. Malcolm Groat, Chartered Accountant. Mr. Groat has worked for many years as a consultant to companies in technology and general commerce. Mr. Groat is a fellow the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Mr. George Getz, Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Getz is the managing partner of Sanford Becker & Co., a New York City based accounting firm.
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